Dr. Camille OGER (HDR)
Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry - Montpellier University - Faculty of Pharmacy
Team "Synthesis of Bioactive Lipids" - Institute of Biomolecule Max Mousseron (IBMM)
Faculté de Pharmacie de Montpellier
15 avenue Charles Flahault, Bâtiment D, 3ème étage
34093 Montpellier cedex 5
Phone: +33 4 11 75 95 33
Email: camille.oger@umontpellier.fr
ORCID: 0000-0002-5177-5792
IdHAL: camille-oger
Academic positions
2011-present: Associate professor in Organic Chemistry (Montpellier, France)
2010-2011: Post-doc, Haifa (Team of Pr. Ilan Marek, Israel)
2007-2010: PhD in Organic Chemistry, Montpellier, France (Team of Dr. Thierry Durand)
2016: Habilitation in Organic Chemistry (Montpellier University)
2010: PhD in Organic Chemistry (Montpellier II University, France)
2007: Master of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry (Paris VI University, France)
2005: Bachelor degree in chemistry and biology (Paul Sabatier Toulouse III University, France)
2004: Technician Diploma in Chemistry (Toulouse, France)
Member of the French Chemical Society (SCF)
2012-2015: President of the regional section of SCF (Languedoc-Roussillon)
2015-2018: Vice-President of the regional section of SCF (Languedoc-Roussillon)
2014-2017: Co-founder and member of the French Young Chemists' Network (RJ-SCF)
2013-2017: French delegate in the European Young Chemists' Network (EYCN)
2015-2017: Secretary of EYCN
Check our Lab and facilities
For structural determination :
- NMR (400LS, 400A, 500, 600)
- Mass Spectrometry and HRMS (3 apparatus)
These facilities are accessible in the LMP laboratory one floor below our synthesis laboratory.
- X-ray (powder and crystal)
These facilities are accessible in the ICGM Platform one floor below our synthesis laboratory.
- Polarimetry
These facilities are accessible in the laboratory.
For Targeted Lipidomic:
1 Eksigent micro high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 200 Plus from Sciex Applied Biosystems equipped with an AB SCIEX QTRAP 5500 (Sciex Applied Biosystems, Vaughan, ON, Canada).
This equipment is direclty accessible in our laboratory.