PhytoPOL project (Dr. Camille Oger and Dr. Céline Crauste)

2022-2025 (PhD student)

Jordan Lehoux studied organic chemistry in Tours (France) for his Bachelor degreee and obtained his master degree from Rouen University. After his master, Jordan joigned the group of Pr. Marie-Claude Viaud-Massuard and Dr. Nicolas Joubert for one year as research assistant, working on the synthesis of drugs and bioconjugaison on antibodies. In 2020, he joigned the IBMM and the SLB-team working as assistant engineer with Dr. Céline Crauste on the synthesis of lipo-oxadiazolones, and later on lipophenol derivatives. In 2022, Jordan started his PhD under the co-supervision of Dr. Céline Crauste and Dr. Camille Oger; working on the synthesis of PhytoPhenol derivatives and new lipoconjugates.

DELIVRO2 project (ANR-22-CE07-0026, with Dr. Philippe Hermange and Dr. Vincent Coeffard)

2024 - 2026 (Master 2nd year student and project Engineer)


Ms. Rose Vitteau joined our group end of January 2024 for 6 months as master degree student. She worked on DelivrO2 ANR, mainly on the development of a strategy to access labelled oxylipins. She obtained her master diploma and is now working as project engineer on the synthesis of labelled oxylipins.

NEOMYCIN project (Dr. Camille Oger) 

Dr. Alexandre Guy is research engineer in SLB team and has been working on the total synthesis of oxylipins, lipo-conjugates, oxadiozolones compounds since many years. Alexandre is working on NEOMYCIN project since 2020, espcially on Ecklonialactones, Eiseniachlorides, Egregiachlorides, Ectocarpins, Plasmodiophorols.

2023-2025 (Post-doctoral researcher)

Dr. Priyanka Kataria is working in our group as post-doctoral fellow. She joined us in October 2023, for 18 month period. She received her PhD from CSIR National Chemical Laboratory in Pune (India) in 2023 working on the "Studies on the Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Diarylheptanoid and Furylhydroquinone-Derived Natural Products, and Eugenol Derivatives as Potential Antidiabetic Agents”. She will be working on the synthesis of enzymatic marine oxylipins.




Pauline Fischer was born in 1995 in Saint-Avold (France). She studied organic chemistry at the University of Montpellier  and received her master degree at the interface between chemistry and biology in 2019. She performed her 6-month internship at the University College Dublin (UCD, Ireland) under the supervision of Paul Evans. In October 2019, she started her PhD in our team, working on the synthesis of isofuranoids under the supervision of Dr. Camille Oger and Dr. Jean-Marie Galano. Pauline received her PhD degree in December 2022 and is now in IOCB Prague for a post-doctoral period.


Johanna was born in 1994 in Grenoble, France. She received an education in organic synthesis and more especially the interface with biomolecules. Her master degree was realized in Montpellier University and she went in Rothamsted Research industry (United Kingdom) to pursue her internship. She started her PhD in our team, in october 2017, working on the development of a new strategy toward all-cis configured isoprostanoids and prostaglandin-like compounds. She received her PhD on December 10th 2020. After à post doctoral fellow in the Karolinska Institute, she is working for Larodan in Sweden.


Tereza Pavlickova was born in 1992 in Prague (Czech Republic). She received a pharmacist education and a master degree from the faculty of pharmacy of Charles University in Prague. She did her master internship in our laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. Céline Crauste, working on the synthesis of lipophenol derivatives, and received for her work the 3rd chemistry prize of her University.

Tereza started her PhD in our team in october 2016, funded by Campus France, and is working on the development of a new strategy toward A- and J-Neuroprostanes. Her PhD is done between our team and the team of Dr. Ulrich Jahn in Prague, where she is working on the synthesis of D-, E-neuroprostanes. She received her PhD on December 2nd 2020 and after another year in Dr. Jahn's group she joined Pr. Ilan Marek group as post doctoral fellowfor 2 years. Dr. Pavlickova started in 2024 a second post-doctoral stay in Prague in the Laboratory of attosecond spectroscopy and dynamic molecules to bring her expertise in the synthesis of organic molecules.


Claire Cuyamendous was born in Orléans (France) in 1987. She studied organic chemistry at the National Graduate School of Chemistry of Montpellier (France), where she received her graduation and master degree in 2012. In 2015, she obtained her PhD at the University of Montpellier in the field of total synthesis of phytofurans, under the supervision of Dr. Camille Oger and Dr. Jean-Marie Galano, and received the PhD prize from the SFEL (French Society in Lipid Studies). Currently she was a postdoctoral fellow at the center for biodiscovery in Victoria University of Wellington and worked with Dr. Joanne Harvey and Dr. Paul Teesdale-Spittle on the total synthesis of Pateamine. After 1 year as teaching assistant  in Le Mans working in the team of Pr. Philippe Bertus, on the methodology in organic synthesis, she moved for Clermont-Ferrand as teaching assistant in the engineering School. Since 2020 she is assistant professor in Pharmacognosia Paris Descartes.


Aurélien de la Torre was born in 1988 in Montpellier, France. He graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier and obtained a research M. Sc. Degree in organic chemistry from the University of Montpellier II in 2011. In 2014, he received his PhD from the University of Montpellier I, under the supervision of Dr. Jean-Marie Galano and Dr. Camille Oger, working on the total synthesis of isofuranoid compounds, and received the PhD prize from the organic division of the French Chemical Society. He achieved a post-doctoral stay in the group of Prof. Nuno Maulide in the University of Vienna, Austria from 2015 to 2017 and is now working in the group of Pr. Ilan Marek in the Technion (Haifa). In December 2018 he joined the group of Pr. Cyrille Kouklovsky as CNRS researcher. 




Mathieu Candy studied at the Aix Marseille Université (AMU) where he obtained his PhD in 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Marc Pons and Prof. Cyril Bressy. His thesis topic was focused on hidden symmetry in total synthesis a desymmetrization of meso-diols.  He then joined the group of Prof. Dr. Carsten Bolm in Aachen, Germany as a Humboldt post-doctoral researcher, where he worked on the chemistry of sulfondiimines. Back to France, he joined the group of Prof. J.M. Campagne and then Dr. T. Durand both in Montpellier as post-doctoral researcher working on total synthesis of natural products. He then completed an industrial project in Toulouse in the group of Dr. Yves Génisson and worked for  DACD company in St Marcel lès Valences (France).



Rose Vitteau studied chemistry Orléans (France) where she received her Bachelor degree. In 2022 she moved to Clermont-Ferrand to pursue her Master degree at the interface between chemistry and medical sciences (Master Sciences du Médicament) and received her master in 2024. Rose joined our group in February 2024 for 6 month internship working on the development of a new strategy to access labelled-isoprostanoids. Her work is part of an ANR project with the groups of Dr. Philippe Hermange (Bordeaux) and Pr. Vincent Coeffard (Nantes). On the same project, Rose started in September 2024 a two-years contract as project engineer.


Jawad Belkheir studied chemistry in Valencienne (Bachelor degree) and came to Montpellier and obtained his Master degree in 2022. His formation allowed him to work both in organic synthesis and analytical sciences. He joigned our project team for his 6-month internship in February 2022, working on the synthesis of Sacrolide A (part of NEOMYCIN project). Jawad is now working in Grenoble as engineer.


Alexis Giraudon started his chemistry formation in the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. He joigned the University of Montpellier in 2019 and received his Master degree in 2021. His formation allowed him to work both in organic synthesis and analytical sciences. He joigned our project team for his 6-month internship in February 2021, working on the development of a strategy to acceess Sacrolide A oxylipin and analogs (part of NEOMYCIN project). Alexis went in Nantes (CEISAM) for ANR project contrat for 18 months. In 2023, Alexis started a PhD in Lyon.


Ilyana Gonzales studied chemistry in Bordeaux, Toulouse and joined our team for her master internship and worked on the synthesis of stearidonic acid phytoprostanes. Ilyana performed a PhD in the group of Dr. Suzanne Peyrottes in Montpellier and received it in 2024.


Pierre-Alexis Conde studied chemistry in Strasbourg and Montpellier. He joined our team for his master internship and worked on the synthesis of stearidonic acid phytoprostanes


The work of Pierre-Alexis and Ilyana was published in 2022 (see publication n°126).


Georges was born in Lebanon. He started college studies by doing one year of biology and two years of biochemistry to obtain his bachelor in biochemistry. After that he did a master 1 in general biochemistry that led him to master 2 in chemistry and biology of bioactives molecules in the University of Lebanon (Beyrout). Georges came in our laboratory for his internship. He worked on total synthesis of EPA derivatives and evaluation of their toxicity on NIH3T3 cells with Dr. Laure-Anaïs Vincent. Georges started in October 2018 a PhD thesis in Nancy and obtained it in 2021.


Rayane was born in 1991 In Kaolack, Senegal. After obtaining his A level equivalent, he moved to Besançon , France where he got his H.N.D in chemistry. He moved to Montpellier in 2013 where he received an education in organic synthesis specially in the chemistry of Biomolecules.

During his various internships he worked on the synthesis of Manganese complexes under the supervision of Dr. Sylvie Chardon in Grenoble and on the synthesis of carbonucleosides precursors under the supervision of Dr. Jean Pierre Uttaro In Montpellier. He achieved his master degree internship in our laboratory  working on the synthesis of E-epoxy-isoprostanes. He performed a PhD (2016-2019) under the supervision of Prof. Christophe Mathé and Dr. Jean Pierre Uttaro where he works on the synthesis of nucleosides analogues and heterocycles, targeting the Ectonucleotidase CD73, and went for a post-doctoral position in the USA.


Jérémy obtained his Master's degree from the Université Montpellier II in 2012, after working on the total synthesis of neuroprostane derivatives in our group. The same year, he started his Ph.D with Prof. Jean-Marc Pons and Prof. Cyril Bressy at Aix-Marseille Université. His doctoral research focused on enantioselective organocatalysis, the synthesis of acyclic 1,3-diols and the development of kinetic processes able to amplify enantioselectivity. In 2016, he joined the group of Prof. Nuno Maulide (Vienna) as a postdoctoral researcher where he was involved in sulfur chemistry. In 2017, he got a new postdoctoral position in the crew of Dr. Géraldine Masson (ICSN) on enantioselective organocatalysis and photocalalysis. In September 2018, he  joined the group of Maurice Médebielle as Assistant professor.


The work of Jérémy was published in 2022 with other compounds (see publication n°120).


2024: Tristan CORBALAN

2023: Shanice DELLY (NEOMYCIN Project - 1 article)

2022: Omeima KARRAY (Deuterated Standard)

2021: Olivier GLAISE (Deuterated Standard)

2020: Camille MONOT (Covid/Bibliography)

2017: Pauline FISCHER (Marine Oxylipins - 1 article)

2016: André DELAVAULT (Toward Isoprostanes)

2015: Julie FERRANT (Toward Isoprostanes)

2014: Marion THIOLOY (Toward Isoprostanes)

2013: David REYES (Toward Isoprostanes)

2011: Gabriel BALEINE (Toward Isoprostanes)



2023: Célian QUIJADA (Deracemization of Taniguchi lactone)

2022: Victor DI ROLLO (Synthesis of AdA metabolites)

2020: Quentin LEMESRE (Toward Isoprostanes)

2016: Gaëlle BRISSE (Toward Isoprostanes)

2015: Thomas DEGRANGE (Synthesis of DPA metabolites - 1 article)

2013: Aurélien CADIOT (Toward Isoprostanes)

2012: Célia CHABEAUTI (Toward Isoprostanes)