Teaching team


I am working as associate professor in organic chemistry at the faculty of Pharmacy (Montpellier University). I am part of a teaching team composed of 2 professors (Prs. Pierre-Antoine Bonnet and Carine Masquéfa), and 2 assistant professor (Dr. Cindy Patinote and Dr. Yen Vo-Hoang).


I am mainly implicated in the first year of Health studies (PASS) in the faculties of Medecine Nîmes and Montpellier and the faculty of Pharmacy, in Montpellier, as well as in the 2nd year of Pharmacist diploma (Pharmacy Montpellier). I also give organic courses at the faculty of science in Montpellier.

Use of digital tools


I am using digital tools to make my teaching and communication with students more dynamic, both during sessions and on course pages. As for example, I am using Kahoot to perform "Battles" between students for the last course, or Wooclap to ask questions during the lesson. Vyond permitted me to create a short animation to promote organic chemistry in pharmacy studies and present the team.

Genial.ly also gives me the opportunity to create a interactive power point support for the students. The RapidMooc is also a good tool to prepare short presentations (Introduction of teaching Unit, Use of digital tool ...) .

Finally, since 2021 I am developing the use of LABSTER in our faculty of Pharmacy. LABSTER permits immersive learning by doing chemistry (theory and pratical courses) in a laboratory.

Flipped classroom


Since September 2023 I am working with 40 students of the second year of the Pharmacy studies using fliiped classroom mode. A number of different concepts are covered during a course (between 3-4). 


Working in pairs, students present the concept of the course (SN, E, AN, Oxidation, Reduction...) with clear support and use it to correct exercises. Pairs are given a roadmap to prepare their work. I read the material beforehand, correcting it if necessary, and during the lesson, I emphasize the essential points and/or take up points that may not have been clear. The other students must have prepared the exercises seen during the lesson and ask their questions. At the end of the course, the students are asked to grade the pairs on disciplinary and soft-skills. For this evaluation part, I am using ChallengeMe.


Responsabilities - Valorization


  • Pratical courses room manager

Since 2016 I am in charge of the management of the room dedicated to chemistry pratical courses (Organic Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Therapeutic Chemistry).  Every year, I am asking for ressources (apparatus...) accordingly to the needs and advice of all colleagues. We thus have changed 2 evaporators, obtained 2 chillers, 12 DrySyn, ... that have improve our quality of teaching.


  • 2nd year of Pharmacy

    I was the manager of the pratical courses of organic chemistry from 2012 to 2023.

    Since 2021, I am in charge of the exercices classroom in organic chemistry as well as the continuous assessment. 

    Since 2021 I am in charge of the Teaching Unit on Caracterization (NMR, IR, SM, RX, DSC, ATG).


  • Scientific enhancement

    Since 2012 I am in charge of the organic class in the unit "scientific enhancement" in the faculty of science for the 1st year of Bachelor.  


  • Financial Support for LABSTER


    In 2022 we obtained with our teaching engineer 32 000 euros to develop LABSTER in the faculties of Pharmacy, Medecine and Sciences from the University of Montpellier.


  • Organization of Pedagogic After-Work



  In hands with our teaching engineer, we have organized a pedagogic After-Work to present all the projects of the colleagues in the faculty of Pharmacy: escape games, trivial poursuit, digital pratical courses ...


Blablareau au Labo : link

YouTube Channel created by Raphaël Blareau, in French, including amazing videos of chemistry.


And see also his second channel with organic chemistry lessons.



Check out JoVe videos as well ! link