A flexible strategy toward D, E and F-types


In 2008, we have developped  an efficient access to isoprostanoids type D, E and F, leading to the synthesis of more than 40 compounds.



A quick look on the strategy
Isoprostanoid strategy.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 546.3 KB

For more details on the total synthesis, see the publications.


A new strategy toward A- and J-types


In recent years thanks to the thesis of Tereza Pavlickova, we designed a strategy to access A- and J-type. These strategy is based on our work around isoketal structures, employing Michael organocatalyzed addition and RCM metathesis to create the main core of the structure.


This was a very long journey, full of surprises!

This work will soon be published!



Thanks to our synthetic strategy, several isoprostanoids are now available in our laboratory.


People interested by these compounds as biomarkers of oxidative stress or to test their biological properties can contact us for collaboration.

List of isoprostanoids
List of isoprostanoids.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 533.0 KB


Another strategy using powerful organocatalysis


In 2020, we developped  an efficient access to prostaglandin like compounds. The purpose of our work was to prove that prostaglandins (trans-configurated lateral chains) are formed non-enzymatically. We focused our efforts on DHA and EPA derivatives.


For more details, see article n°99 in publication page.


Since the discovery of isoprostanes by Jason Morrow in the 90's, research in the field of non-enzymatic metabolites of PUFA exploded. Isoprostane structures were discovered from other PUFA than arachidonic acid, and accordingly to the parent PUFA other names were given to the discovered metabolites, such as neuroprostanes, phytoprostanes. In 1998, nomenclatures were thus proposed by Douglass Taber and Josuah Rockach. In 2024 and because of the huge development of the field, disgression in the first nomenclature proposed and limitations of this later, we proposed an update of the nomenclature system of Douglass Taber.


This work in under revision and will soon be published in Journal of Lipid Research! Check it out!